What to Do When You Give a Low Desired Salary Estimate for a Job


So a candidate who made a low value estimate of the job that they were interviewing for during their telephone interview, asked how could they change that estimated value during their in-person interview.

Three Option Strategy:

The answer is very easy. Remember that it is best to do your research on the front end and to have a strong indication of what the job is worth. That way you will be fully prepared to answer confidently when asked. Use on of my three options below to achieve success.

Three Options

  1. Fortunately, this candidate has an upcoming in-person interview. During that in-person interview, the interviewer may ask them that same question. If so, they could give the update salary estimate and not even mention the amount that they gave during the telephone interview.
  2. If the interviewer does not ask that same question during the in-person meeting, the candidate can share the update when they are given the opportunity to share additional information or to ask questions at the end of the interview.

You can say something like, “During my telephone interview, you asked me what I thought this position was worth and I said $53K. Well after getting a clearer understanding of the scope of the position and conducting some additional research, I estimate that this position is worth between $60 – $70K.

3. As you notice, I gave a range and I always recommend don’t pigeonhole yourself to static number. You also want to open the door for negotiation once you get an offer. The reason is that a $10K range, hopefully allows for the employer’s hiring salary to fall somewhere within that range. Also, you will hopefully land on, or above, what you true bottom line salary for the position is.


So, there you have it.

Career Search Success to You! Go Get Your New Job!

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