Is a Cover Letter Required?

So, a job seeker asked, “Is a cover letter required to accompany my resume when I apply for a job?” The answer is, No, a cover letter is not required to accompany your resume; however, without it, you won’t be able to completely tell your career story.

Remember, your cover letter and resume work in partnership with each other. The resume highlights your work-related knowledge, skills, and abilities. It also showcases your work experience; how long you’ve worked in your field; the extent of your job related experience and the work projects that you’ve worked on during your career.

Your cover letter picks up where the resume leaves off and tells the employer how you used those work-related knowledge, skills, and abilities to contribute to your current and past employers’ success.

If you choose to not include a cover letter with your resume when you apply for a job, you can still get the job. I guarantee you, though, that you will have an even greater chance of job search success with a cover letter that goes a great job of relating your career story to the job that you are interested in.

So, there you have it. I hope that this information is helpful to you.

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As always, Career Search Success to You! Go Get Your New Job!

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