Motivation – Perseverance



Hello and welcome to this motivational moment entitled, “Perseverance” with Cynthia O.


Perseverance…we all have it. Some find theirs early in life. Others find theirs later. Last week, I got an opportunity to be an example of perseverance for our son.  He got a no from a decision-maker  about something that he wanted to do. He was unable to meet a requirement, due to no fault of his own.  Needless to say, he was devastated when he learned that he might not be able to do something that he has come to love.  So, as parents, my husband and I were very concerned about the negative effect that this particular “No” might have on his outlook about his future aspirations. I tried to encourage him to approach the decision-maker again and ask for an exception. I explained to him that was no guarantee that anything would change, but that we sometimes have to go back and ask again. He explained why he thought that it would not do any good. I understood his reasoning but thought that I might be able to make a difference as his mom. So, I reached out to the decision-maker and advocated on our son’s behalf. Then I gave it to God and told Him that if it was His will, the decision-maker would change his mind. In the end the “No” eventually became a yes. When our son learned that the decision had changed, he was so happy and grateful to his dad and I for supporting him. We reminded him that we will always support him when he’s on the side of right. We also reminded him that he should always have faith that God will work things out for his good…but that even then, things don’t always turn out the way we hoped. This means that God has a greater plan in store for us, but that perseverance can pay off.

My message to you today is, Have perseverance. It may not be easy, but even if things don’t work out the way you hoped, you will be able to proudly remember that you hung in there even when the going got tough. You won’t have to later ask yourself, “What if I’d stuck it out?”


Thank you for joining me today. Remember, we could all use a little motivation. So, if this motivational moment has inspired you, share it. Then, wherever you’re watching, subscribe to my channel, like it, or leave me a comment. I’d love to hear from you. Be blessed.

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