“From Flawed to Flawless in 7 Steps: Tackling ‘What Is Your Greatest Weakness?’”


The interview question, “What is  your greatest weakness?” can shake even the most confident job seeker’ confidence. It doesn’t have to be that way, though. Follow the seven step strategy that I will share with you here to turn your negative into a positive.


1. Be Honest, but Selective: Acknowledge a real weakness. Avoid clichés like “I’m a perfectionist” or “I’m a workaholic.” Instead, choose a genuine area where you can improve, ideally related to the job you’re applying for. For example, if you’re applying for a project management role, you might admit to occasionally struggling with time management.

2. After stating your weakness, demonstrate your self-awareness. Explain how you became aware of this weakness and its impact on your work. This shows that you are in tune with your strengths and limitations.

3. Highlight Your Efforts: Describe the steps you’ve taken or are taking to address this weakness. Employers appreciate candidates who proactively work on self-improvement. For instance, you could mention taking time management courses or participating in a boot camp. Or, share how you use productivity tools, like Outlook’s color-coded categories, and two-day advance reminders to keep yourself on task.

4. Emphasize Progress: Share your progress in overcoming this weakness. Discuss any tangible results or improvements you’ve achieved…particularly on recent projects. This demonstrates your commitment to personal and professional growth.

5. Relate Your Response to the Job: Show how you are making your weakness work for you in the context of the job. For example, mention how your self-awareness of time management issues has helped you prioritize tasks effectively and delegate when necessary.

6. Avoid Red Flags: While discussing your weakness, avoid any traits that could raise red flags for the employer, such as poor teamwork or a lack of adaptability. Focus on a weakness that is not a core requirement for the job.

7. Practice and Stay Calm: Prior to the interview, practice your response with a trusted friend, mentor, or in front of a mirror. This will help you feel more confident when answering the question. During the interview, remain composed and calm.


By following these steps, you can answer the “What is your greatest weakness?” question in a way that portrays you as the self-aware, dedicated, and motivated candidate who you are. Remember, your interviewers have weaknesses, too. We all do. So, they want to assess your ability to learn, grow, and adapt – qualities every employer values in a potential team member.

However, with the right approach, you can turn this seemingly tricky question into an opportunity to showcase your self-awareness, growth mindset, and professionalism.

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