Forgiveness Is For You, Not Them



Hello and welcome to this motivational moment entitled, “Forgiveness is for You, Not Them” with Cynthia O.


Forgiveness. It is an emotionally-charged word. It evokes, within many of us, strong opinions, actions, and feelings. When someone offends us, we sometimes get a bit arrogant about forgiveness. How many times have you said, or heard someone else say, “I’ll never forgive them!?” Don’t get me wrong, I understand. Forgiveness is a gift…and it just doesn’t seem right to give a gift to someone who did us wrong. What I now understand after growing in my relationship with Christ, is that the gift of forgiveness is not for that person who hurt me, it’s for ME. Yes, for me. You see, whether we admit it or not, when we refuse to forgive those who hurt us, it affects us. It is the first thing that we think about when we wake up each day. We often go out of our way to avoid coming in contact with them. And, as time passes, even though we may find it hard to remember exactly why we’re upset with them in the first place, we spend a lot of effort continuing to be mad at them.

When we decide to not forgive others, we are taking God’s job into our own hands. And if we are doing his job, there’s no need for him to deal with that person for their actions.

Holding on to unforgiveness can also manifest itself in us physically. Believe the saying that stress can kill you. The stress that unforgiveness creates can cause us to get sick. It increases our stress level, elevates our blood pressure, and can cause us to age prematurely. Studies show that these conditions make us more susceptible to heart disease, cancer, and can also contribute to other medical conditions.

So, I encourage you to give the gift of forgiveness today…to yourself. Even if you are not yet ready to tell the person that you forgive them, tell God. Remember, He forgave us of our sins. John 3:16 tells us that, “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” If you want to enjoy everlasting life, get rid of the baggage of unforgiveness. So, live life to the full, the way that God intended…without unnecessary burdens. Believe me, you’ll literally feel lighter.

Life brings enough burdens that we have no control over. So, let’s let go of the ones that we can control.


Thank you for joining me today. Remember, we could all use a little motivation. So, if this motivational moment has inspired you, share it. Then, wherever you’re watching, like it, subscribe to my channel, or leave me a comment. I’d love to hear from you. Be blessed.

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