Trust Because You Accept the Risk



Hello and welcome to today’s motivational moment entitled, “Trust Because You Accept the Risk,” with Cynthia O.


I’ve been blessed with an eBook, titled, 100 Motivational Quotes That Will Inspire You to Succeed. I often pull from it for these weekly motivational moments that I share with you. One of those featured quotes really spoke to my spirit.  It reads, “Trust because you are willing to accept the risk, not because it’s safe or certain.” If we are honest with ourselves, many of us would admit that we try to avoid risk. It’s human nature. We associate risk with pain, whether emotional, spiritual, physical, or financial…we don’t like pain.  We sometimes miss out on great blessings because we go to such great lengths to avoid risk and the possibility of pain. I’ve seen people lose business deals, jobs, opportunities, and love because they were afraid to take a risk. Then, when we take a risk and things don’t work out as we thought or hoped, we totally forget about any positives that came from the experience. We write the entire experience off as being bad. Often times, some positivity came from it. We just chose to not admit it. Why? Because we really didn’t accept the full package. We only wanted it if it was safe and certain. Of course, I don’t recommend that you recklessly take risks. They should be well-thought out. Or, if you are a person of faith, you must know that you know that you know, that God is guiding your steps. In that case, your actions may appear reckless to others, but you will know differently when the vision comes from God. So, I understand that it can be scary to relinquish control; however, risk in small doses just might be exactly what you need in your life. It’s your life, so only you can decide how much risk you can handle.


Thank you for joining me today. We could all use a little motivation. So, if today’s motivational moment has inspired you, share it with others. Then, wherever you’re viewing, subscribe, like it, or leave me a comment. I’d love to hear from you. I’m Cynthia O. wishing you an awesome day. Be blessed.

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