Take a Deep Breath

Welcome to this motivational moment entitled, “Take a Deep Breath.” I’m Cynthia O.

I ran into a co-worker in the breakroom earlier this week. During our conversation, she shared with me that she often sighs, and it drives her husband crazy. I shared that my husband often sighs and it drives me crazy, too. She said that her sighs are a form of stress-relief…her way of slowing down and enjoying the calm after something stressful. We had such a good laugh about it all. Then, for some reason, our chat made me think about life. How often to we awake every day, immediately jump out of bed, and start rushing from one thing to the other? We rush to shower and get ready. We rush to eat breakfast. We rush from one meeting to the next. We rush through lunch. We rush to get home or to a personal appointment, then restart the same cycle the next day.

I propose that we tweak our daily routine just a little. The next day when you awake, before you do anything else, take a deep breath and marvel at the blessing of being alive. Then, instead of rushing through the day, admire nature’s beauty. Don’t rush this journey called life. Savor it. Then, at the end of your day, pause…take a deep breath and think about how awesome it will be IF you get to do it all again tomorrow.

Remember to join me for the free Job Search Readiness Clinic Series, beginning September 10, 2021. If you’re ready to land your next job, these four free information-packed sessions are where you’ll want to be.

Remember to join me for the free Job Search Readiness Clinic Series, beginning September 10, 2021. If you’re ready to land your next job, these four free information-packed sessions are where you’ll want to be.

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