Risking It All


Happy Veterans Day 2021. Today’s motivational moment is dedicated to all of our brave men and women who have served in our military.


Many of us want to make a positive impact on this world in which we live. We want to be an influencer in our own right. The challenge we often face is deciding if the reward is worth the risk. You see, greatness comes with risk. That risk could include, being misunderstood; being judged; missing out on family time; sacrificing our safety; or going into unfamiliar places. I’m sure you can think of some others.

Author and Speaker, Jim Rohn, is quoted saying, “If you are not willing to risk the Usual, you will have to settle for the ordinary.”

This quote makes me think of our military men and women. They took an oath to risk what many of us will not risk…our precious lives.

They essentially agree to risk it all…not for themselves, but for us. Many have subsequently paid the ultimate sacrifice. And, as a result of their risks and sacrifices, we get to enjoy free speech, freedom to worship, and all the many other freedoms and comforts of this life. I am grateful for the many risks that those in our armed services have made, and continue to make.

To say that they are great is an understatement. They have definitely made a positive impact on this world.

Know that you don’t have to be a veteran to be great. There are countless other ways to positively impact society. Today, though is especially for our veterans.

So, if you are a veteran, I salute you today. I say, “Thank you.” Thank you for your bravery. Thank you for your commitment. Thank you for risking the usual on my behalf. Included in this group of great people are my brothers McGarrett, Clifton, our late father, William, and many extended family members who are proud veterans. Thank you for your service.


Thank you for joining me for today’s motivational moment. Please join me in thanking our veterans today and every day. Share this moment with them. Then, in the comments, tell me about a veteran who is special to you. I’m Cynthia O, wishing you blessings.

Happy Veterans Day 2021!

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