Motivation – “Hope, Believe, Dream, Try, Dare, Risk”



Welcome to today’s motivational moment entitled, “Believe, Dare, Dream, Hope, Risk, Try,” with Cynthia O.


Today’s motivational moment is about believing in ourselves enough to dare to pursue our hopes and dreams. I just finished watching Lauren McManus (Co-Founder,, interview Dr. Valeria Symonds (Co-Founder, During their conversation, Dr. Valeria, Professor, shared how she started her online business in 2018 and made a little money on the side. Then, she invested in the proper training and before long, she was bringing in $7 – $10K each month. She encouraged those of us watching to understand that your age should not limit your pursuit of your dreams. She said that she was in her forties when she and her husband started their business. Now, she is doing something that is directly linked to her passion. Although they experienced the usual ups and downs of business, it eventually stabilized. So, even if they earn “only” $7K each month for twelve months straight from their business, that’s still $84K additional income each year. Imagine how your life would change with that much extra dough?

So, I challenge you. Most of us start thinking about our resolutions for the new year because it represents a new beginning. So, with it comes dreams of better things to come. It may be a better job, a new home, writing that book that’s been in our head for years. Or it might be a business that’s borne from a passion burning inside of us. But what about today? We’re not promised tomorrow and, I don’t know about you, but I don’t want to take my dreams to the grave and make it richer than it is already. I want to live today, while I have life in my body.

One of my coaches, Jeff Walker ( always tells us that, “Progress always trumps perfection.” I’ve found that to be so true. One step in the right direction is progress.  A lesson learned is progress. But, you see, we often want things to be “perfect” before we share it with others. Truly, perfection is only in God, the Creator. I’ll tell you, had I waited for my blog to be perfect, I would not now have 157 published posts that have encouraged someone or helped them in their job search, or with an HR issue.

Although we don’t like to admit it, truth is that our pursuit of perfection is often our excuse for either not getting started, or for giving up too soon. As a result, we often miss out of the rewards of our experiences because we never get to the finish line. So, as we creep further into this last month of the year, let’s forget about new year’s resolutions. Let’s just believe that we can do anything that we set our minds to, regardless of what those around us say. Because, if those who are constantly telling you what you can’t do were honest, they have let self-doubt keep them from achieving their dreams. Stop being content and let your adventurous self embolden you to dream, dare to step out on faith, and believe, not only that you can, but also that the outcome will be worth the risk.

Come on. Get out of your comfort zone and at least try because success often comes when our comfort ends. So, allow yourself to feel just a little uncomfortable. You never know what you might be able to accomplish. You have nothing to lose, but possibly everything to gain.


Thank you for joining me. If this motivational moment has inspired you. Share it with someone else because we can all use a little motivation. Then, wherever you’re watching, subscribe, like it, or leave a comment. I’d love to hear from you. Then, come back next week for another bit of motivation. I’m Cynthia O., wishing you an awesome remainder of the week. Be blessed.

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