How To Say, “No”


Hello and Welcome to this motivational moment entitled, ‘How to Say, “No,”’ with Cynthia O.


Do you know how to say, “No?” Many of us don’t. Think about it. How do you respond when someone asks you to do something that you don’t want to do or don’t have time to do? How do you respond when other people’s plans conflict with yours? How do you respond when someone tries to make their lack of planning an emergency for you? Do you automatically shift into make-it-work mode to accommodate them? Do you grit your teeth and put your plans on hold? If so, you need to learn to say “No,” sometimes.

For many of us, the problem with saying, “No,” is that we often don’t know how. Or, we’re afraid to…especially when someone in a position of authority asks us to do something. We don’t want to appear to be uncooperative or insubordinate. If our parents or a close friend asks us to do something, we’d rather inconvenience ourselves instead of them. We don’t want to offend them. How do I know this? Because I’m guilty of doing the same, but I’m learning. And believe it or not, it is possible to say, “No,” while protecting your sanity and saving your relationships.

I’m sure you’re wondering, “How do I do that?” Well, I’m glad you asked. Before saying, “No,” plan your response. That’s right. Like anything else, there’s a right way and a wrong way to do this. And you know that we want to do the right thing. So, think your response through, then say a prayer and ask for divine guidance on the best way to respond. Remember the Word says that we should do everything in love. The request may be insensitive, but there’s no reason for you to get upset. By staying calm, you’ll be less likely to say or do something you could regret later.

Next, base your response on the facts…and only the facts. That fact is that you are unable to do what you’ve been asked to do. If possible, offer an alternative option.  Who knows, another day or time might be an ideal compromise for you and others involved. Don’t debate with the other person. Remember, that, in most cases, you don’t have to justify your answer…unless the other person is your manager at work.  Be discreet. Don’t bring others into the conversation or discuss the matter with others. It will likely make them feel caught in the middle and expected to take sides. So, whatever you do, remember to do it with love.

Finally, remember that you created this “monster” who expects you to answer their every beck and call. So, be prepared to face the outcome. Let’s be honest, your new-found courage will likely upset some folk. Prayerfully, they will adjust quickly. But, if they don’t, please realize their selfishness for what it is and count your life richer without them. Also, accept that by putting yourself first sometimes, you are practicing self care. And, you will be a better family member, friend, employee, etc. because your authentic self will show up for them when you are able to oblige their request. That’s the person who they should want in their lives.


Thank you for joining me today. Remember, we could all use a little motivation. So, if this motivational moment has inspired you, share it. Then, wherever you’re watching, subscribe, like it, or leave me a comment. I’d love to hear from you. Be blessed.

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