How to Overcome a Weakness During An Interview

So, how do you overcome a weakness during an interview? The answer is, you don’t overcome a weakness during the interview. You start working your strategy to overcome that weakness, long before the interview. 

For example, if you are a forgetful person, do like I do. I make checklists. I also set appointments and flags on my calendar on my cell phone, on my calendar in Gmail or Outlook, depending if the task is personal or business-related.

If you are a procrastinator, then a good practice to help you overcome that particular weakness is to always tackle the most-difficult task on your list first. then you’ll become motivated to progress on to the next task because you’ll get the most difficult task out of your way and off your list quick, fast, and in a hurry.

This will give you more control over the next task that you want to address. So, make absolutely sure that you have implemented your strategy so that when the interviewer asks you the question, “What is your greatest weakness?” you want to be honest, as I always stress to you. You also want to include as a part of your response that you have implemented the following strategy to overcome that weakness. This will let them know that you take initiative, you own up to your weakness because, we all have them.

Your response will also tell them that you are honest, because believe it or not, there will actually be some candidates who will actually tell the interviewer that they are unable to think of any weaknesses that they may have. And guess what, just with their answer to that question, they will have fallen two or three notches or more, down on the list of top-rated candidates. So just make sure that you acknowledge; that you answer honestly; and that you already have an action plan in place to show that you are already well on your way to overcoming that weakness.

So, as always, Career Search Success to You! Go Get Your New Job! If you enjoyed this video, please scroll down to the bottom of the page and leave a comment. I would love to hear from you. Bye-Bye.

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