Eight Ways to Crush Your Virtual Interview, Part 1

Welcome to part 1 of “Eight Ways to Crush Your Virtual Interview.” Response to the ongoing pandemic has suddenly elevated the virtual interview to number one as the norm for how employers select new team members. As a result, we all probably feel like we’ll screaming every time we hear the phrase “new normal.” Regardless, the pandemic has indeed changed the way that we live, work, play, and yes…compete for new jobs.

We all understand that virtual interviews are different from in-person interviews in may ways. So, now the way that we prepare for interview success has changed because of those differences.

We remember the guidance on greeting the interviewer with a firm hand shake; maintaining eye contact; and presenting our career portfolio of our best work to the interviewer during our meeting. But, how do we do that in this socially-distant, masking-wearing, virtual, no-handshake interview environment?

Never fear…technology is here to help us prove to the interviewer that we have the knowledge, skills, abilities, and other characteristics needed for on-the-job success. So, we’re sharing with you today, part one of eight steps that you can follow, from each part of this two-part series, to confidently show up for your next virtual interview and crush it…leaving a lasting positive impact with your interviewer that will increase your chances of landing your offer.

So, lets get started…

  • First, remember the cliché that the more things change, the more they stay the same. That means that preparation is still key. So everything that we share with you today boils down to what? Preparation.
  • Study the job description, identify how your work history relates directly to the job’s duties and responsibilities. Then develop a thirty to ninety second explanation of how you to performed the same or similar duties in your current and/or past work environments. Explain how that impacted your employer’s bottom line.
  • Study the organization. Learn when the company was formed; who the top executive is; what products or services they specialize in; who their top competitor is; the company’s mission, vision, and values; if it is on the stock market; and a recent news article or event about the company.
  • Study the interviewers. Visit their LinkedIn profiles to learn a little about how their career has progressed to their current status. This will help you to build comfortable rapport with them on interview day.
  • Prepare three to five questions to ask the interviewer when they offer you the opportunity. Never show up for an interview without some preplanned questions to ask during the interview.
  • Follow a checklist to keep you on track. Vault.com offers a virtual interview checklist that offers before, day of, and during interview tips. It reminds us to do things like turn off call waiting on our phone; turn off notification sounds on our laptop; or place a “Quiet” sign on the door to your interview space. etc. This will remind your family members that you are in a potentially life-changing meeting…your big interview. Check out DigitalPeople.net for their virtual interview checklist, as well.
  • Select your quiet space for your meeting and set up all of your equipment and supplies there. Make sure that your background will not distract the interviewer.
  • Test your technology. Download any needed apps or software at least two days before your interview and get help with navigating it, if you are not familiar with it. Then do a test run with a friend or family member to make certain that your headphones/earbuds, computer or mobile device, and Internet connection are all in proper operating order. If you are not familiar with virtual meeting platforms, sign up for and participate in a couple of virtual webinars for practice. It will help you to build your confidence with navigating the platform…great practice.

Stay tuned for part two of this two-part series when we will share with you eight additional effective ways to prepare for and master your virtual interview success. Those steps will take you from your day-before-interview prep to your after-interview follow-up to close the deal and hopefully, land your job. That’s a total of sixteen steps closer to your career success. I can’t wait to hear your story.

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Career Search Success to You! Go Get Your New Job!

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