Author name: FirstWeb

Who Is Cynthia B. Okonkwo? I am a wife and a mom who is a people person by heart. I live in metro-Atlanta and work as a Human Resources professional and have over twenty-four years experience in the field. My experience includes Compensation, Training, Recruiting, Employee Relations, Benefits, and Selection Procedure Development; however, Employee Relations is my passion because I enjoy interacting with others and helping them to solve problems. I became interested in Human Resources while on a work-study assignment during my sophomore year in undergraduate school. I chose management as my major because I was not quite certain what I wanted to do after college and I knew that an off-shoot of Business Administration was a safe, general choice that could help me get into a number of career fields. My work-study assignment was as an assistant to the campus Director of Career Services. There, I learned to make cold calls to area businesses to seek out employment opportunities for students and alumni. I also learned how to format vacancy announcements and resumes. Since writing had always been one of my strengths, I enjoyed my assignment so much that I requested to be reassigned to that department for most of the remainder of my undergraduate career. My Director also provided resources on job interview preparation and she allowed me to type resumes for students who did not have one and charge $1 per page to make a few extra bucks. I got a full-time job immediately after graduation, but it wasn’t in Human Resources; however, I had a Vice President who took me under his wings and allowed me to review employment applications for job openings at the Distribution Center where I worked, so this helped to strengthen my resume. It took me about two and a half years to secure my first full-time job in the field of human resources where I became a trained test developer for the State’s Government Merit System. From there my career has continued to grow. My blog was born out of my desire to write a book that provides practical job search tips and advice, from a spiritual, holistic perspective. After having drafted about three chapters, I got busy with grad school and obtained my MBA; got married and started a family. In 2013, I became SPHR (Sr. Professional in Human Resources) certified. I started seeing other people’s blogs, became interested and thought that blogging might be a great alternative, or spring board to completing my book, so here we are today. My sincere hope is that what I write will help someone. Enjoy!

“Doubt Kills More Dreams Than Failure Ever Will”

INTRODUCTION: Visit Welcome to this motivational moment entitled, “Doubt Kills More Dreams Than Failure Ever Will,” with Cynthia O. MOTIVATION: Last week, in my “Change is Good” motivational moment, I shared one of my most memorable quotes. It was, “Fear kills more dreams than failure ever could.” So, as you can see from the …

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The Top Two Advantages of Being the Last Interview

INTRODUCTION: A job seeker asked, “Is it good to be the last person interviewed?” INITIAL RESPONSE: Let’s face it, in most competitions, being last is usually seen as a disadvantage However, when you’re competing for your dream job, being the last candidate to interview could give you some serious advantages. So, let’s explore the top …

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Change is good

Change Is Good

INTRODUCTION: Visit Hello and welcome to today’s motivational moment entitled, “Change is Good,” with Cynthia O. MOTIVATION: Because we’re creatures of habit, change is often a dreaded phenomenon. We tend to prefer the routine…knowing what to expect next. We live by the motto, “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it. Even the thought of …

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