Today, we celebrated Easter. It is the most important holiday celebrated by Christians. This is the day that we celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ.
The Analogy of Easter and the Pandemic
You may wonder what bouncing back has to do with Easter? Well, whether you celebrate the holiday or not, I think you’ll agree that the resurrection of Jesus Christ is the most miraculous story of triumph over adversity of all time. That’s why I want to use it to encourage you.
As I tried to sum up what the past year-plus has been like, I say that it just evaporated almost as if it never existed. Then, the reality of the pain and disappointment that so many have faced returns. Whether is was the loss of loved ones; fighting your own COVID battle; closing your business that you paid your down payment for in blood, sweat, and tears; or losing your job…life has changed in many once unimaginable ways.
You may feel as if you can’t move forward because the pain in your heart is so great. Let me encourage you that you will bounce back just as Jesus did. You will because that is the spirit that lives within you. I call it the bounce-back spirit. So, join me and others in taking a deep breath, stepping back, and realizing that because you are still here, you have purpose. Because you are still here, you can make a positive impact on this world in honor of those lost. Find your purpose and bless others.
What is Your Purpose?
Purpose I:
Your purpose could be to help others live through what you have. Your story, as painful as it is, can renew others’ hope. I just read a story about a mother who lost her only son in a car accident. So, she enrolled in nursing school. She says that even though her grief is not gone, helping to care for others helps her to refocus her attention away from her situation.
Purpose 2:
Maybe your purpose could be to teach others something that you’re good at. Refocusing their attention on building a new skill can help them to feel useful and productive again.
Purpose 3:
Or, your purpose could be to love someone back to wholeness. Your purpose could be connected to one of the numerous ways that can make a difference in other’s people’s lives.
Purpose 4:
Your purpose could be to get more civically-involved. Regardless, you can help others live in their purpose simply by living in your own purpose and using your gifts to bless others. Then, believe it or not, you are paying tribute to those whom you’ve loved and lost and emerging triumphant over your challenges.
You see, I believe that there is a life waiting for us after our earthly expiration. I also believe that there is fulfilment waiting for us on the other side of picking up the pieces from the challenges, disappointments, falls, and other experiences that come with this earthly life. Unfortunately, it takes many of us a long time to realize this. Sadly, some get so lost in their pain that they never realize this.
Since Easter comes at the start of spring, I invite you to think of it as a new beginning…a turning point towards the positive.
In Conclusion:
Regardless of what this uncommon past year-plus has dished out, know that you will bounce back. Smile again. Be determined to be better. Find your strength. You’ll have more positive influence after going through the storms of life. Then, you’ll learn just how resilient you really are.
So, look yourself in the mirror right now and say to yourself, “I will bounce back.” Say it like you mean it. Why? Because you always do.
Wherever you’re reading today’s post, do me a favor. Scroll down and leave me a comment. Let me know how you plan to put your “bounce-back spirit” on display.
You are blessed to still be here for a purpose. Remember, we are blessed to be a blessing to others. So, before the day officially ends…Happy Easter Day Everyone!