Someone asked, “How can I be confident during a teaching interview after extended time off and only three years experience?”
This is what I told them. Start by looking into a mirror and saying, “I was an awesome teacher three years ago and I will be again.” You see, self-doubt is trying to creep in and sabotage you success.
Don’t let it, because you evidently have what it takes. You’ve piqued the interviewer’s interest because you’ve been invited to interview.
Follow the five steps below for teaching interview success:
- First, eliminate the negative thoughts that are doing through your head. Each time you hear that small voice of discouragement, say to yourself out loud, “Stop.” Then, replace that negative thought with a positive one.
- Now, you can whisper it or mumble it under your breath if you’re around others; but, you must hear yourself saying, “Stop.” This will increase your awareness of how often you are thinking negatively about your abilities.
- Take action. Since you are understandably nervous, you must prepare well. This alone will build your self-confidence.

- Second, think back to what made you want to be a teacher. Maybe an experience that you had as a student caused you to want to teach. Maybe you come from a family of teachers. Whatever the reason, your “why” will awaken the passion that you have for sowing into your students. Formulate a 60 to 90 second explanation about the fulfilment that you gain from being a teacher.
- Third, recall a time when you helped a student with an area of learning that he/she was struggling in. Explain in 60 to 90 seconds how you presented the subject matter into a format that the student could understand.
- Fourth, be prepared to explain the steps that you’ve taken to keep you knowledge current and how that professional development will enable you to create a success plan for each of your students. This will show that you take ownership of your students’ learning.
- Finally, fifth, be prepared to explain what makes your teaching style unique and effective. What out-of-the-ordinary teaching methods do you employ to keep your students engaged in the learning process?
I hope the person who asked this question realizes just how much they have to offer students who are waiting for a great teacher to positively impact their life. In fact, they many not realize it, but they actually have the upper hand. Three years of prior teaching experience gives them a lot to pull from in preparation for their big interview.
A similar method can work for almost any job or career field that you may be re-entering the workforce for.
Remember, it’s about the difference you make and the joy that you gain from being good at what you do. Even if you’ve had to take some time off, returning to the field will be like riding a bike…you never forget. You got this.
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