Stop Asking for Permission



Welcome to this motivational moment entitled, “Stop Asking for Permission,” with Cynthia O.


Do you know someone whose first response to something new is always negative? I call them “dream killers.” Ironically though, they often do not mean to kill other people’s dreams. But, somewhere along their life journey someone likely did exactly the same to them…in the name of love. You see, we all have someone in our life whose opinion of us and what we do, seems to matter more to us than our own opinion of ourselves. And don’t get me wrong, we all need someone whom we trust and feel that we can confide in.  The challenge is often how to continue to value our loved one’s opinion, but respectfully continue to exercise our right to forge our own path and to pursue our dreams with a vengeance.

I recently read an anonymous quote that read, “If you want to achieve greatness stop asking for permission.” While waiting for other’s permission we place our plans on hold. Our success is subsequently jeopardized because we sometimes are unable to get back into our rhythm of achieving milestones after being on pause. That leads to procrastination and feeds our fear.  So, you must find a way to accept that your success journey will likely not look like your parents’ and other loved ones’ journey looked.  And that’s okay. Because of that, it may make those around you a bit nervous. But remember that in Isaiah 43:19 (NIV), God says, “See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up: do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland.”

So, as you approach the new year and anticipate your future endeavors, know that you have a unique calling on your life. Each of us does. And remember that you have a duty to live our your calling, regardless of others’ opinions. Don’t miss your destiny because someone else can’t see your vision. Remember that God has given you the vision. It is incumbent upon you to do everything that you can in the natural to make it happen. Then, God will do the supernatural. So, stop seeking others’ permission to pursue your dreams. If they don’t support you in your pursuits, that’s fine. Just don’t let the lack of their support stop you from doing at least one small thing each day that moves you closer to achieving your goal. And guess what! Your determination, consistency, and commitment to your goal, and your eventual success, will likely soon win over even your biggest critics or skeptics. 

Know that you are the only person who can truly stop you from achieving your goal. Step out on faith. Stop procrastinating. Take action and stop asking for permission that you don’t need, because greatness does not require it. In fact, greatness becomes much more likely when we stop waiting for permission and forge onward.

In Conclusion:

Thank you for joining me today. We could all use a little motivation. So, if today’s motivational moment has inspired you, share it with others. Then, wherever you’re viewing, subscribe, like it, or leave me a comment. I’d love to hear from you. I’m Cynthia O. wishing you an awesome day. Be blessed.

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