Motivation – Protect Your Peace, Part 2


Welcome to my motivational moment entitled, “Protect Your Peace – Part 2,” with Cynthia O.


Although we closed out May, which is mental health month on yesterday, I couldn’t help but share “Protect Your Peace – Part 2.” Why? Because I want you to remember to protect your peace today and every day. So, I am sharing twelve (12) more ways that you can do just that. It is a follow-up to Protect Your Peace – Part 1. As I shared with you in Part 1, it is vital that you protect your peace.

As we all know, we often unfortunately don’t do all that we can or should do to protect our peace. We also sometimes forget that we have the power within ourselves to protect our peace. So, here are the remaining simple actions that we can take daily to invite peace into our lives and others.’

•Find a past time that relaxes you and allows your creative juices and positive thoughts to flow. Writing does that for me. Indulge in your activity regularly…even scheduling time to do so as a part of your regular self-care routine.

•Say, “No,” to people and things that interfere with your peace.

•Ask for support. Life can get overwhelming. You don’t have to go it alone. Take advantage of confidential, mental health resources on your job, through your place of worship, at school, online, within your community, etc. They are also often low or no-cost to you. Support could also be as simple as hiring someone to help with responsibilities that rob you of the time you need to devote to protecting your peace.

•Subscribe to a meal prep service to cut your cooking time.

•Hire help with household chores so you don’t feel like you have to be constantly on the go from the J-O-B to H-O-M-E.

•Rest. It is emotionally and mentally taxing to be in “go mode” all the time. Take some time to recharge.

•Sit in your recliner or favorite chair after work and elevate your feet for twenty (20) minutes per day.

•Take a Sunday afternoon nap.

•Create a relaxing space in your home, just for you. Add candles, fragrant oil or a fragrant wax warmer, and a wall or tabletop fountain to your Zen space.

•Go for a walk or sit out on the porch in the evening.

•Relax near a lake or at a park at least once per week if you’re able to.

•Be willing to change. Don’t be a walking billboard for insanity…”Doing the same thing repeatedly and expecting a different outcome.” Try doing things differently for a possible better outcome because insanity and peace do not go together.

You’ll be surprised how positively even these simple changes will impact your mind, body, and spirit.

In closing, at your first inkling that your peace is being threatened, remember that you have the power to protect your peace. So, take these and other decisive action steps to get back on track.


Thank you for joining me today. Remember, we could all use a little motivation. So, share this motivational moment with others. Then, wherever you’re viewing it, subscribe, like it, and leave me a comment. I’d love to hear from you. Be blessed.

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