Motivation – “Protect Your Peace”


Welcome to my motivational moment entitled, “Protect Your Peace,” with Cynthia O.


May is Mental Health Awareness Month, so today’s motivation serves as Part 1 of a reminder to us all. That reminder is to protect your peace. Why should you protect your peace? Well, when you protect your peace, you create/build a foundation that supports your spiritual, mental, and physical well-being. You build a high level of determination. When you protect your peace, you’re not easily distracted from your God-given purpose by the devil’s plots against you. You don’t doubt yourself easily when you face challenges. You don’t give up when life gets difficult. You see more possibilities than problems in your life experiences. You set yourself up for success by seeing yourself as an over-comer. And guess what. What you see in your mind is what you will become.

The unfortunate truth, though, is that we don’t always do the best job of protecting our peace. So, know and accept that you have the power within you to protect your peace. I’m not speaking of some paranormal show of strength. I mean simple actions that you can take daily to invite peace into your life and others’ lives.

So, how do you protect your peace?

Well, first Trust your own judgement. So, make your decisions and commit yourself to them until you see fit to change. You won’t find peace in indecision. Value your loved ones’ opinions but value your own more. Why, because the decisions that you make concerning your life, impact you more than anyone else. Also, realize that although they may want the best for you, your loved ones’ personal fears and failures strongly impact their advice to you. 

Know that your loved ones’ unrealized dreams do not predestine you to not achieving your goals.  Block out the noise of discouragement, disbelief, and dysfunction. If you’re not quite ready to boldly face your circle’s strong unsupportive opinions, thank them for their input, then continue quietly towards your goal.

God took seven days to create the heavens and the earth. So, take small, quiet steps towards your goals. When your nay-Sayers find out what you’ve been up to, your confidence to stand up for yourself will have grown and you will be well on your way to success.

Stay on the right side of Karma. Don’t seek revenge against those who hurt you. Doing so will eventually consume your thoughts and hinder your progress in other areas of your life. Why? Because you will be distracted with constantly thinking about how to get back at someone. Move out of God’s way and let him handle it. He can do a better job than you.

Don’t do things to disturb other peoples’ peace. Remember that Karma is real. You may not be directly responsible for protecting other people’s peace; however, you are responsible for any of your behavior that disturbs their peace. Treat others with respect because it is the right thing to do.


Thank you for joining me today. We could all use a little motivation. So, share this motivational moment with others. Then, wherever you’re viewing it, subscribe, like it, and leave me a comment. I’d love to hear from you. And also stay tuned next week for Part 2 of “Protect Your Peace.” Be blessed.

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